How to make an extension pose a focus of your practice

At first glance, it might seem that axial extension poses are easy – what’s so…

Let go of the iHunch: Improve your posture yoga practice

A few weeks ago, I took my son to get a haircut, and there was…

How to lengthen your spine without strain

There are two distinctive ways of lengthening the spine while performing axial extension postures: one…

Four steps to minimize the stress placed on the intervertebral disks

Did you know that astronauts get taller in space? According to NASA studies, when the…

When “good posture” is not so good for your body

“Sit up straight!” my dad would command every time he saw me lean over my…

Should we engage the abdomen all the time?

Let me ask you a question: if a bowl of ice cream tastes good, would…

Corset vs pelvic tilt: to tuck or not to tuck the tailbone under

Several years ago, Judith Hanson Lasater posted this on Facebook: “Stop tucking your tailbone! We…

Yoga practice for core awareness and strength

A few years ago, when I was traveling around New Zealand, I signed up for…

Core players: The muscles that move your trunk and how to work them

From my observations around my gym, it looks like abdominal crunches are on their way…

Four main functions of your core muscles

One thing that I often hear from my new clients is: “I was told by…

How to prepare for “pelvic opening” poses

The last time I went to see my hairstylist and settled in the chair, she…

Do you prefer “noodle hips” or a spring in your step?

Have you ever come out of a yoga class with your legs feeling like noodles?…

Body asymmetries are more then a minor nuisance

Have you ever heard of the Egoscue method? I cannot vouch for its effectiveness since…

How habitual movement patterns can hurt our bodies

For the past couple of years, I’ve been trying to figure out this mysterious pain…

Avoid common pitfalls while bending sideways

There is this interesting thing that I observed during my years of teaching yoga –…

3 steps to safer, more effective twists

The best image that seems to help students get the hang of twisting postures is…

Realign the relationship between the shoulder girdle and the spine

Every time I get a massage I have to ask my massage therapist to dig…

How to bend back without hurting your back

When I was little, I did gymnastics, and deep back bends like this one were…

Cobra and Co: Strengthen your back and clear your head

A few months ago, I read an article in The New Yorker about the abuse…

Should we take the body to the maximum bend possible in every direction possible?

A few months ago, one of the teachers in my yoga teacher Facebook group asked…