Magic Three yoga poses chair practice

Magic Three yoga poses are simple, foundational poses that most students would benefit from. They are not fancy, but they are effective, versatile, and potent. Almost anyone can do them, and they can be used as a short stand-alone practice or a jump-off point for a longer practice. However, not all students will be able to get down on their knees. Or, sometimes, there are restrictions in our physical environment that prevent us from rolling out our yoga mats. For those situations, chair versions of the Magic Three yoga poses work best.
This short chair yoga practice will help you limber up and loosen up the major joints. It is complete on its own, or you can expand it to a longer, more complex practice. Please give it a try and see how it feels!

The form of any yoga pose can be modified depending on what you are trying to accomplish. This is called pose adaptation. Adaptation means altering the form of a pose to maximize its function. This book covers various adaptations of those superposes and reasons for doing them.