Chair yoga practice for the hips

A few years ago, I went to Paris and stayed in the tiniest hotel room I’ve ever seen. I had to walk sideways by the bed to get through, and the shower head was over the toilet. But the room did have a chair. And that was all I needed to deal with my sore hips and back after long hours on the plane.
Sometimes, we do chair yoga just out of necessity – if we don’t have enough floor space at the office or small hotel room or don’t want to get down on the ground at the airport or the rest stop. And some of us cannot transition down to the ground because of knee issues, or vertigo, or some other ailment. This chair yoga practice is designed for those kinds of situations. It targets your back and hips and uses seated, standing, and leaning over-the-chair poses. Some of them are a bit stronger but can be modified to suit your current physical ability. This is NOT a “hip-opening practice” since the primary focus here is on strengthening and stabilizing your hips and sacrum. Give it a try and see how it feels!

When our hips feel stiff, stretching them out seems like a good idea, but this is generally not the best course of action. Usually, your hips feel stiff or painful for one of three reasons.
I liked this a lot! Thank you!
Glad to hear it Constance!
I have left gluteal pain only on sitting .plz suggest yoga.
I Liked it very much! And I enjoyed the flight on the chair with Vimanasana : )
Have really enjoyed both your previous shorter and this longer version, especially since I have exactly the right chair. As you mention, it is useful when not wanting to get down on the floor. Sufficient challenge also. Taking the opportunity to say that I use your sessions almost daily and am always refreshed by them.
Thank you Sara – great to hear it! We can be really adventurous with our chair practices!
Very helpful for hips and butt muscles for seniors who have hip issues and can’t get on the floor.
Thank you Olga! Loved this chair class, did it today with my Tuesday class to change it up!
Una práctica que despierta mis fuerzas en la mañana…He descubierto la silla como si fuera mi esterilla….Me gustaría conocer mmas prácticas en silla
Tú didáctica es sencillamente Magistral.
Gracias Olga
I get very inspired by your point of difference.
I feel I’m extending my practice by chopping and changing some of my lessons and makes my classes more interesting. I teach a 3rd age yoga class for over 60 year olds. They can go down to the floor but have trouble getting up. So your chair variations are brilliant. Love it.
Thank you, for being so clear with your posts. You’re an excellent teacher.