Talking to the body and leading students on a self-exploration journey

Internal Family Systems (IFS) techniques can help yoga therapists accomplish two fundamental goals in their…

Connecting to the vulnerable parts and releasing their burdens into the elements

In a recent yoga therapy session, a student of mine came to a realization that…

Why do our efforts to heal ourselves and help our students sometimes fail?

I recently watched a show called Fleishman is in Trouble, which unpacks the aftermath of…

Our inner system of managers, firefighters, and exiles and the dynamics of their relationships

I have an early childhood memory of crying about something or rather and my father…

CAN YOU HEAR ME?! How our conflicting inner parts try to get our attention through the body

For as long as I can remember, my students have talked about their body parts…

Your rowdy inner family and the lasting conflict it creates

My grandmother on my mom’s side had lost her mother early in life. When my…

How to do the Brain Huddle to find inner peace

How do you feel when you are at peace with yourself? Inner peace (or peace of…

How our yoga students deal with illness and the four steps we can follow to help them through

As yoga teachers and yoga therapists, we often encounter students who have been recently diagnosed…

How the Four Characters view the body and what it means for your yoga students

Last week, I read an article about a 45-year-old Silicon Valley millionaire who is determined…

What the yoga sutras say about our brain activities and how it aligns with modern neuroscience

Of all the traditional yogic texts, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is my all-time favorite. It gets…

Which brain characters are dominant in you and your students?

Many years ago, a student of mine shared his jury duty experience in a complicated…

Your four brain characters and how they run your life

Do you like to control your environment and organize your life just so? Or do…

Bigger better offer: Two magic ingredients that can change your ingrained habits

I love trains. When I was young, I frequently traveled by train to new cities…

Don’t worry, be happy? Can we choose our response to anxiety?

Many years ago, I remember stepping out of my house on a beautiful sunny summer…

What is anxiety, and where does it come from?

When I was about eight years old, my mother took my sisters and me to…

Can yoga help us manage our emotions?

I recently read an article about some major employers closing down their operations for weeks…