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Yoga Boosts for strength: Bend sideways to feel spacious and free



Yoga Boosts for strength: Bend sideways to feel spacious and free

Yoga poses are meant to be “prana pumps”, because the ultimate purpose of asana is to move the life force (prana) into different parts of the human system via the energy channels (nadis), using breath as a vehicle. For the energy to flow freely, we need to position the body in a way that creates organic, open energy lines; otherwise, we will end up with the effect of “kinking the hose” (just like you do when you kink the garden hose – it stops the flow). Side bending postures are excellent for stretching and strengthening the sides of the body, for creating space within the body, and for moving the energy throughout the system.


In this short practice, we use side bends to alternatively strengthen and stretch the lateral structures of the body. We also focus on expanding from the center out into the periphery to create a sense of spaciousness and “unkink” the energy lines. We support the flow of energy and the sense of openness with a slight hold after inhalation and Vyana Vayu mudra.

P.S. This practice features several poses done on your knees; if your knees are sensitive, it would be wise to either place additional padding (like a blanket) under them or skip this practice altogether.

See Also

We increase our physical strength and movement capacity by trying progressively more challenging poses.

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