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Listen to your heart and improve your circulation



Listen to your heart and improve your circulation

Your heart is small but mighty. For an organ that could fit into the palm of your hand and weighs less than a pound, the heart moves huge volumes of blood daily. That blood supply ensures that every cell in your body gets nourished and does its job properly. Your heart beats harder and faster when you engage in physical activity to meet the energetic demands of your cells, which makes your heart stronger and healthier. However, that period of strenuous activity must be followed by complete relaxation to avoid overtaxing the system and minimizing the long-term wear and tear.

In this yoga practice, we will keep attention on our heartbeat as we gradually increase the physical challenge and observe how our heart adapts to it. We also create body shapes that open the channels for better blood and energy flow to ensure that every cell in the body gets nourished. We will rev up our circulatory system and then slow down to move it into recovery mode. This practice will help you become more aware of how your circulatory system adapts in response to your activities. This practice is pretty strong and is not appropriate for folks with high blood pressure.

Please give it a try and see how it goes!

See Also

Get additional yoga practices for the cardiovascular system and many other yoga videos for the skeletal, respiratory, nervous, and immune systems in the Zoom In Within yoga series.

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