Yoga practice for sensory overload

This week, I’ve been having fun with my new Instagram account – posting stuff, checking out other people’s images and profiles, and so on. While all of this is super exciting and fun, when combined with frequent Facebook checks, Pinterest scrolls, and Twitter glimpses (and I am not even mentioning emails and texts), I could feel myself becoming more and more distracted and agitated. What I had can probably be diagnosed as “social media overload,” and it’s quite common in our information-dense age. In our efforts to “stay connected,” we can become disconnected from ourselves. Potential side effects: overstimulation, low energy, “brain fog,” as well as an overall feeling of being unbalanced and ungrounded.
What’s the solution? It helps to step away from the devices and take time to move and breathe. Try this 20-minute yoga practice for sensory overload, which will help you regain your composure, balance your energy, and clear your head. It will also help with neck tension!

When something unexpected or challenging happens in your life, you might feel as if you have lost control over what’s going on. This sense of powerlessness can manifest in all sorts of ways.
Thank you so much Olga for your weekly updates and great yoga vids. I was just cursing the amount of time I spend on the computer and your email popped up so I left my work and did you sequence instead. Feeling much less pressured 🙂
Thank you for your comment Julie! You are very welcome. I am happy to hear that the practice arrived just at the right time for you 🙂 I know I have to remind myself to STEP-AWAY-FROM-THE-COMPUTER often in the course of the day 🙂 So short practices like that seem to make a difference.
I just discovered this from reading one of your recent ‘lung’ articles that had a link to this practice.
LOVED this practice so much…wished it was longer 😉
Looking forward to the upcoming ‘LUNG’ practice… the past 4 articles were fantastic
thank you olga