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Release head tension and lighten your load



Release head tension and lighten your load

We get headaches for a variety of reasons. They can be related to muscular tension, sinus blockages, hormonal imbalances, vascular pressures, and so on. Sometimes, it just feels like your head is about to explode because you’re overloaded with information or worry. Headaches can show up in different parts of your head: the base of the head, temples, jaw, behind the eyes, above the eyebrows, at the forehead, or on top of the head. Because of such a variety of causes and locations, it is impossible to make a practice that works for all situations and all people. Instead, in this yoga practice, we will focus on familiarizing ourselves with our headache patterns to get a better understanding of where it hurts and in what way. Oftentimes, simply shining the light of awareness on our sensations helps us release chronically held tensions and settle our nervous system.


In this practice, we will use very simple movements done close to the ground, specific gaze positioning, prolonged exhalation, and directed attention to release mental and physical tension from your head and lighten your literal and metaphorical load. For this practice, we will need a rolled-up hand towel to support the curve of the neck and another small towel or eye pillow to cover the eyes. Please feel free to skip any movements or techniques that feel inappropriate for your situation. Give it a try and see how it feels!

Eye strain is a big contributor to neck pain and tension headaches. If you spend much of your time in front of a screen, try following the 20-20-20 rule, which means taking a 20-second break from the screen every 20 minutes by looking at least 20 feet away. 

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