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Short yoga practice to get yourself off the couch



Short yoga practice to get yourself off the couch

How is your holiday season going? Do you feel active and vibrant or do you find yourself spending hours in the comfortable embrace of your couch? It’s so easy to fall into a pattern of chilling with a book or a favorite show, only to discover that after several hours the body feels stiff and the mind gets antsy.

When you feel your body rebelling against the siren song of the couch, try this short yoga practice to loosen your body and clarify your mind. This yoga practice increases circulation to all the key areas that get tight from too much lounging: your neck, hips, and back. It also includes a short mediation to discharge excess sensory stimulation and help you feel more grounded and calm. It’s easy to transition into this practice straight from your couch; just lie down on the floor and put your feet up. Please give it a try and let me know how it feels!



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You can increase your physical strength and movement capacity by trying progressively more challenging poses that are meant to strengthen, stretch, and stabilize every part of your body. 

View Comments (10)
  • Hi, loved this sequence. Added Bharadvajasana, IT band stretch from side lying child, and use of fun negative thought such as” I miss my couch, ” then did couch and later in sequence added positives such as “this is fun, I can do this as resolve for new year.

    • Those poses sound like great additions, Bob! I love your gradual transition from missing your couch to giving it farewell 🙂 I think that it perfectly reflects our usual progression of “start where you are and take yourself where you want to go” 🙂

  • Olga, I loved this practice. So did my students in all three classes. It was done so solidly and gave them a new inquiry into “how to get off the couch”. Just “do it” Nike slogan doesn’t always work. This gave them time to use the object- couch or chair and “let it go.” The liked the start up and inclusion of all the practices for good core and safe back activation which was challenging but also proved they could! Thanks a lot.

    • That’s great to hear Claudia! I am a big believer in transitions and know that sometimes “slide down from the couch to the floor” is much easier than “get up and go” 🙂

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