Yoga teacher’s toolbox

Yoga teacher’s toolbox: How to work with hands, wrists and forearms

Whenever you plan to work with hands, wrists and forearms in your yoga class or…

Yoga teacher’s toolbox: How to work with hamstrings, IT band, knees and ankles

Whenever you plan to work with legs, knees and ankles in your yoga class or…

Yoga Teacher’s Toolbox: How to work with hip adductors, abductors and rotators

Whenever you plan to work with hip adductors, abductors and rotators in your yoga class…

Yoga teacher’s toolbox: How to work with hip flexors, extensors and QL

Whenever you design a class or a private yoga session to address tension in hip flexors,…

Yoga teacher’s toolbox: How to work with lower back and sacrum

Whenever you plan to work with lower back and sacrum in your yoga class or…

Yoga teacher’s toolbox: How to work with core and pelvic floor

Whenever you design a yoga class to strengthen the core or tone the pelvic floor…

Yoga teacher’s toolbox: How to work with shoulders and upper back

Whenever you plan to work with shoulders in your yoga class or private yoga session,…

Yoga teacher’s toolbox: How to work with neck and upper back

Whenever you design a yoga class aimed at releasing tension in the neck and upper…