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Standing yoga practice for neck and upper back tension



Standing yoga practice for neck and upper back tension

You can practice yoga anywhere, but not all floor surfaces are yoga-friendly. Sometimes, lying down on the ground to do your yoga poses is neither possible nor desirable, but that doesn’t mean you should forgo the benefits that yoga has to offer.

I created this yoga practice when I was stuck in a tiny hotel room overstuffed with furniture – there was literally no space to roll out the yoga mat. But my neck was hurting, and I was stiff all over from travel, so I had to be selective about the poses I chose. It worked out beautifully.

This yoga practice is done entirely in a standing position. You don’t even need a yoga mat; just make sure that you are not slipping on the floor. This practice targets the neck and upper back and includes various movements that both increase circulation to those areas and stretch them. It also includes a simple breathing practice that helps you relax your neck and lengthen your spine. Give it a try and see how it feels!

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To get more clarity about the causes of your neck tension, first, you need to be precise about where you experience it. Once you pinpoint the location of your discomfort, you might be able to link it to some habitual activity.

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