Spotlight on a pose: Urdva Prasarita Padasana

Urdva Prasarita Padasana (also spelled Urdhva Prasarita Padasana) is a very versatile pose. It is very effective for lengthening the spine, stretching the shoulders and legs. Specific versions of the pose can also target the hip flexors and are very useful in focusing the mind via right/left brain integration.

Urdva Prasarita Padasana (Upward extended foot pose)

Axial extension – Symmetrical – Open frame

Main purpose: To to bring the spine into maximum vertical alignment (to build strength and elasticity in the postural muscles, help strengthen the core and promote overall structural integration).

Secondary purpose: To stretch the arms away from the torso (to create space in the shoulder joints, to stretch and strengthen the muscles that bind the arms to the spine, to improve peripheral circulation; to stretch the legs (hamstrings and calves).

Whatever we choose to do in this pose, we need to keep its primary purpose in mind and adapt the position of the body to make it possible.


 How To

On the inhale lengthen from the tailbone into the top of the head stretching up through the fingertips and flattening the lower back against the ground. Keep the back of the neck long and pull the heels up toward the ceiling. On the exhale gradually contract the abdomen and let go of the stretch a bit, loosening up the shoulders, hips and legs. Continue to breathe like that.



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